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Generative AI is a Resurrection Machine

By Ben Hunt | 132 Comments

Each of us has a unique story. A story that makes you you. A story that is the engine of your consciousness. A story that is your thread of life.

A story that today can be inferred from your words by generative AI and restored computationally, so that the thread of life remains uncut.

Everything is about to change.

Donald Trump and the Common Knowledge Game

By Ben Hunt | 34 Comments

The question is not whether Trump will accept the election result if he loses. He won’t.

The question is whether a Missionary with actual power will join him.

Men of God in the City of Man is a nine part series about a narrative virus that infected the charismatic and Pentecostal churches in the United States. It isn't a story about Christian Nationalism. It isn't a story about January 6th. It isn't a story about why people voted for Trump. It is a story about a story. It is a story about the language that created a self-sustaining movement defined by its unwavering belief in a fundamentally corrupt electoral system.

Recent Notes

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The Levelers

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By Ben Hunt

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It’s Always Something

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It Was Barzini All Along

By Ben Hunt

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Same with Emerging Market growth narratives. It was Developed Market monetary policy all along.

Shifting Narrative around Central Bank Omnipotence

By Ben Hunt

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The Narrative Shift around Emerging Markets

By Ben Hunt

The core Narrative around Emerging Markets is shifting away from growth and towards value. This is a profoundly disruptive development. epsilon-theory-the-narrative-shift-around-emerging-markets-august-21-2013.pdf (50KB)

Increased Instability in US Markets

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Schrödinger’s Portfolio

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The Framing of Macro Data

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The Tao of Portfolio Management

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The Market of Babel

By Ben Hunt

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The Music of the Spheres and the Alchemy of Finance

By Ben Hunt

“You say that we go round the sun. If we went round the moon it would not make a pennyworth of difference to me or…