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The Four Horsemen of the Great Ravine, Part 1

By Ben Hunt | 17 Comments

Every so often, things fall apart.

In the words of those who lived it, here are the vibes and the semantic signatures of the twentieth century’s most devastating social collapses.

From the meaning in their words, wisdom for our future emerges.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 01.13.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 01.06.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.30.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.23.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.16.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

This is an exclusive subscriber-only preview of the first six chapters of Rusty Guinn’s upcoming book Outsourcing Consciousness: How Social Networks are Making Us Lose Our Minds. The book explores how evolution, polarization, and technology are slowly transforming humanity into a hive mind - and what we can and can't do about it.

The Long Now is everything we pull into the present from our future selves and our children. We are told that the economic stimulus and the political fear of the Long Now are costless, when in fact they cost us … everything.

Men of God in the City of Man is a nine part series about a Narrative virus that infected the charismatic and Pentecostal churches in the United States. It isn't a story about Christian Nationalism. It isn't a story about January 6th. It isn't a story about why people voted for Trump. It is a story about a story. It is a story about the language that created a self-sustaining movement defined by its unwavering belief in a fundamentally corrupt electoral system.

Amid the Widening Gyre of politics and the black hole of financial markets, the only anchor is us, together, walking with Clear Eyes and Full Hearts. Experience Ben's original 4-part series.

Recent Notes

OK, Boomer

By Ben Hunt | November 18, 2019

I’m a fan of FedEx the company and Fred Smith the founder. I think they are both crown jewels of Western capitalism.

But if I hear another lecture from Fred Smith and his fellow billionaires on trickle-down tax cuts and the “benefits to the United States economy, especially lower and middle class wage earners”, I’m going to lose it.

The Rake

By Ben Hunt | November 12, 2019

Jamie Dimon is the rake.

Bye, Alexa…

By Rusty Guinn | November 11, 2019

To receive a free full-text email of The Zeitgeist whenever we publish to the website, please sign up here. You’ll get two or three of these emails every…

The Age of the High-Functioning Sociopath

By Ben Hunt | November 8, 2019

I’m old enough to remember when Donald Trump, the President-elect of the United States, and Masayoshi Son, CEO of Softbank, had an impromptu press conference in the Trump Tower lobby to trumpet the FIFTY THOUSAND JOBS and FIFTY BILLION DOLLAR INVESTMENT that Softbank would be bringing to the US.

All based on a powerpoint deck.

When Was I Radicalized? (Boeing edition)

By Ben Hunt | November 5, 2019

I think it’s impossible to separate management self-enrichment through stock-based comp from the practice of stock buybacks.

The Return of the Rotation Missionaries

By Rusty Guinn | November 1, 2019

The missionaries are out, and guess what? They want you to do a lot of trading and portfolio repositioning. How thoughtful!

The Road to Reykjavík

By Rusty Guinn | October 29, 2019

Today’s Zeitgeist brought back a blast from the past, an early encounter with the distinction between narrative and other, more common, measures of what the crowd thinks.

Yeah, It’s Still Water

By Ben Hunt | October 25, 2019

One day we will recognize the defining Zeitgeist of the Obama/Trump years as an unparalleled transfer of wealth to the managerial class.

Guest Post – A Conservative’s Take on The Pack

By Ben Hunt | October 23, 2019

Every now and then we come across an article or blog post that’s directly relevant to what we’re trying to say on Epsilon Theory, but is too big and thoughtful to be carved up for a Mailbag note or Zeitgeist post.

Make / Protect / Teach is a Big Tent.

Office Hours – 10.22.2019

By Rusty Guinn | October 22, 2019

In which Ben and Rusty discuss the three Ps of the narrative of a functioning government – and why their cartoons are being stretched to the limit.

The Stereogram

By Rusty Guinn | October 22, 2019

The NBA, Blizzard and others are in hot water after kowtowing to the Chinese government. America will have forgotten about both within weeks. But the awareness of just how long the CCP’s reach has become? That can’t be unseen.

Was That Wrong?

By Ben Hunt | October 21, 2019

If Carl Icahn calls up the CEO of GM and asks her how the UAW talks are going, it is illegal for Mary Barra to tell him anything that she does not also tell everyone else.

If Carl Icahn calls up the President of the United States and asks him how the China talks are going, it is perfectly legal for Donald Trump to tell him whatever he likes without obligation to tell anyone else.

The Long Now, Pt. 3 – Wink

By Ben Hunt | October 17, 2019

I believe that we are on the cusp of the Long Now becoming irreversible. Or at least irreversible without a cataclysmic Fall.

Why? Because they have mastered the art of stealing our tells. At scale.

Here’s how we start to confound the stolen tells. At scale.

To My Fellow Billionaires …

By Ben Hunt | October 15, 2019

Marc Benioff, the billionaire CEO of Salesforce.com, says we need a New Capitalism … a kinder and gentler capitalism to rectify our modern culture of greed and massive wealth inequality.

Ray Dalio, the billionaire CIO of Bridgewater, says the same thing.

I think they’re both right.

I also think they should STFU.

ET Election Index (Candidates) – October 15, 2019

By Rusty Guinn | October 15, 2019

The 2020 Election Narrative is Identity. Through July, Bernie Sanders owned that narrative. That has changed. The on-narrative candidate is now Elizabeth Warren.

The Common Knowledge of Inflation

By Ben Hunt | October 11, 2019

“Until an hour before the Devil fell, God thought him beautiful in Heaven.”

That’s my fave Arthur Miller quote, from The Crucible.

Our Devil is inflation, and today we think him beautiful in Heaven. You’re not ready for the Fall.

In Chinese, the Emphasis is on the Second Syllable

By Ben Hunt | October 9, 2019

Every US company with Chinese consumer-facing products is going to be forced to make a choice. Do you want to preserve your authenticity and your brand, or do you want to preserve your earnings guidance and share price?

Choose one. You can’t have both.

No one will believe me when I say this, but it’s the truth: this is bigger than tariffs.

Imagine That.

By Ben Hunt | October 7, 2019

They keep us sick, you know.

They keep us hooked on this framing of something-something Republicans vs. Democrats.

The cure? Take back your distance.

You’ll find your local library to be the perfect place to start.

Fear Factor

By Ben Hunt | October 4, 2019

Yeah, yeah … I know that the Deep State is a powerful adversary. Or at least that’s what my MAGA buddies on twitter keep shouting at me.

But I’ll take the Deep State as an enemy any day compared to Steve Schwarzman and the rest of the Private Equity Tong looking to keep their carried interest tax treatment.

I bet Elizabeth Warren feels the same way.

When the Product is Free, You’re the Product

By Ben Hunt | October 2, 2019

This isn’t a note about Facebook. It’s a note about online brokerage fees. And it’s a note about Facebook.

As a consumer … don’t cry for Argentina, and don’t cry for the online brokerages who are taking their commission fees down to zero. As an investor in or an employee of ANY financial services company, on the other hand … maybe it’s time for a good cry and a hard look at your future prospects.

“Yay, free!”