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Chapter 6: The Possibility Engine

By Rusty Guinn | 22 Comments

Humans evolved to acquire symbols as quickly as possible.

Language and storytelling evolved to be acquirable as easily as possible.

That’s why our tales spin us.


Why Am I Reading This Now? 01.06.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.30.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.23.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.16.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.09.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

In Praise of Bitcoin

By Ben Hunt | 62 Comments

What made Bitcoin special is nearly lost, and what remains is a false and constructed Narrative that exists in service to Wall Street and Washington rather than in resistance.

The Bitcoin narrative must be renewed. And that will change everything.

Recent Notes

Virtue Signaling, or … Why Clinton is in Trouble

By Ben Hunt

Don’t get me wrong. I’m thoroughly despondent about the calcification, mendacity, and venal corruption that I think four years of Clinton™ will impose. Trump, on the other hand … I think he breaks us. Maybe he already has. He breaks us because he transforms every game we play as a country — from our domestic social games to our international security games — from a Coordination Game to a Competition Game.

The First Presidential Debate

By Ben Hunt

On episode 10 of the Epsilon Theory podcast, Dr. Ben Hunt is joined by Downtown Josh Brown, author, CNBC contributor, and CEO of Ritholtz Wealth Management. Ben and Josh discuss their reaction to the first presidential debate and what it would mean to have a President Clinton or a President Trump.

Essence of Decision

By Ben Hunt

Here’s the thing. The Fed is now revealing its one True Love — its own reputation and its own political standing — and that’s going to be a bombshell revelation to investors who think that the Fed loves them.


By Ben Hunt

We’re back in Houston on Episode 9 of the Epsilon Theory podcast. Dr. Ben Hunt is joined by Salient’s chief investment officer Lee Partridge and…

Magical Thinking

By Ben Hunt

The problem with magical thinking run amok and its perpetuation of a fantasy world is that sooner or later the dream of the delusional king becomes a real world nightmare for real world people. It’s time to wake up.

Magical Thinking

By Ben Hunt

Live from New York in episode 8 of the Epsilon Theory podcast, host Dr. Ben Hunt tackles LIBOR, the money market, and explores magical thinking…

The Narrative Machine

By Ben Hunt

“So, in the interests of survival, they trained themselves to be agreeing machines instead of thinking machines. All their minds had to do was to discover what other people were thinking, and then they thought that, too.” – Kurt Vonnegut

If there’s a better description of modern markets, I have yet to find it. We have become agreeing machines.

Full House

By Ben Hunt

On episode seven of the Epsilon Theory podcast, host Dr. Ben Hunt is joined in San Francisco by Salient’s president Jeremy Radcliffe and deputy CIO…

Dungeons & Dragons

By Ben Hunt

On episode six of the Epsilon Theory podcast, host Dr. Ben Hunt is joined again by Salient deputy chief investment officer Rusty Guinn to talk…

Crisis Actors and a Reichstag Fire

By Ben Hunt

Man in Bar: Tomorrow, I’m gonna be a hero. Gideon: I’m sorry?  Man in Bar: You may just be a patsy, but you’re an important…

Financial “Innovation” Returns to ABS Market

By Ben Hunt

On Monday, Verizon Wireless successfully securitized more than $1 billion in cellphone contracts and sold the notes into the Asset-Backed Securities (ABS) market. Here’s the…

Mailbag #1

By Ben Hunt

On episode five of the Epsilon Theory podcast, host Dr. Ben Hunt riffles through the mailbag to answer reader questions. Join the conversation and subscribe…

When Narratives Go Bad

By Ben Hunt

How many things served us yesterday as articles of faith, which today are fables for us? – Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays (1580) That…

Special Edition: Brexit

By Ben Hunt

On a special episode of the Epsilon Theory podcast, hosts Dr. Ben Hunt and Jeremy Radcliffe discuss the economic and historical context of the Brexit…

Waiting for Humpty Dumpty

By Ben Hunt

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put Humpty together…

Cat’s Cradle

By Ben Hunt

“No wonder kids grow up crazy. A cat’s cradle is nothing but a bunch of X’s between somebody’s hands, and little kids look and look…

Southern Accents

By Ben Hunt

On episode three of the Epsilon Theory podcast, host Dr. Ben Hunt is joined by Salient’s deputy chief investment officer Rusty Guinn. Through anecdotes about Donald…

Pressure and Time

By Ben Hunt

Red: [narrating] In 1966, Andy Dufresne escaped from Shawshank prison. All they found of him was a muddy set of prison clothes, a bar of…

Crisis of Faith

By Ben Hunt

On episode two of the Epsilon Theory podcast, hosts Dr. Ben Hunt and Jeremy Radcliffe examine why the once-trusted models in finance and politics are…

The Introduction

By Ben Hunt

In episode one of the Epsilon Theory podcast, hosts Dr. Ben Hunt and Jeremy Radcliffe discuss the origins of Epsilon Theory, how Dr. Hunt came…


Why Am I Reading This Now? 01.06.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.

Why Am I Reading This Now? 12.30.24

Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger narrativ‌e campaign.