Intentional Investor #16: Remi Tetot

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Join host Matt Ziegler as he sits down with Remy Tetot, the mind behind The Mad King newsletter and former co-founder of Real Vision, for a fascinating journey through the intersection of technology, finance, and personal growth. From washing dishes in Spain to revolutionizing financial media with Real Vision, Remy shares his remarkable story of constant reinvention. Learn how he transformed from a self-taught coder into a macro analyst under Raoul Pal’s mentorship, helped build Real Vision from the ground up, and navigated both spectacular successes and humbling failures in the crypto markets.

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  1. Humor me and imagine yourself in this scenario: you’re a twenty-something tech engineering type, hanging out at a local bar. You’re not a founder, and definitely not a rich tech exec or anything like that, but you’ve been around enough to have some confidence in your technical chops.

    So, you’re sitting in this bar, chatting with another regular’s who’s become a bit of a friend, and he starts to tell you about how he makes most of his money these days selling some type of a financial newsletter to “institutional clients” for $40k a pop. Curious, you ask if you can see it. The friend obliges.

    What’s the first thing you say after looking?

    Remember, this isn’t your field, this is more of an acquaintance than a childhood friend, and you don’t have any clue what an “institutional client” even is, let alone what any of the charts, or graphs, or words mean. It might as well be in Hieroglyphics, right?

    What do YOU say?

    If it were me, I’d have probably said, “That’s cool, could you explain what’s going on here? In a way I can understand, please. Because I’ve never seen anything like this before and I’m as curious about why it’s worth $40k a year, as I am curious about what this actually says.”

    But you and I are not Remi Tetot.

    Remi looked at the friend in the bar and said, “This looks like s*.”**

    The guy sat up. The guy asked what he might do. Remi started spouting ideas.

    That relationship became his full-time job for a while. That relationship eventually morphed into a conversation that led to the founding of a little media entity you might have heard of called Real Vision.

    Remi Tetot isn’t exactly a household name. Yet.

    From his humble entry into finance, via financial media writing with Raoul Pal at Global Macro Investor (that was the guy at the bar, ahem), to the Real Vision startup and buildout alongside prior Intentional Investor guest and all round rockstar Grant Williams, straight through to his short-lived autism awareness for parents network, AND his latest venture, The Mad King, where his anonymous identity was accidentally exposed post-being named checked on an Nvidia earnings call… Remi’s got STORIES.

    And not the least of which, Remi’s got lessons. A very public (and very large) crypto loss for starters. It hasn’t changed his approach, but it has evolved his outlook and clarified his approach.

    My favorite expression of Remi’s is, “Protect your capital.” And my favorite part about my favorite expression is how he explains it. Whether it’s purely financial capital, or it’s the things financial capital affords you, from taking care of his autistic son, to building and growing businesses, to helping others seize their own opportunities—protecting capital starts with understanding why you, deep down, have cobbled together something worthy of protection in the first place.

    That is why Remi Tetot is an Intentional Investor.

    There aren’t many interviews with him out there. I feel very fortunate I was able to get him to sit down and tell so much of his story in this format. Watch/listen now, via Epsilon Theory on YouTube or wherever you get your podcasts:


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