
ET on Tape

ET on Tape

Anytime, Anywhere

The only thing better than reading an Epsilon Theory note is listening to one! To better accommodate our readers and spread our message as far as possible, we've created a collection of audio recordings of our favorite notes. Now you can listen to Epsilon Theory anytime, anywhere!

All Epsilon Theory Recordings

Sheep Logic

By Ben Hunt | October 5, 2017

In Part 6 of the Notes from the Field Series, Ben observes that we think we are wolves, living by the logic of the pack. In truth we are sheep, living by the logic of the flock.

Men of God in the City of Man, Part 2: Carriers

By Rusty Guinn | July 3, 2023

Every virus needs carriers to spread. Even a Narrative virus.

We can learn a lot from what they have in common.

Men of God in the City of Man, Part 1: Virus

By Rusty Guinn | June 30, 2023

This is a story about a virus and the gain-of-function research that produced it.

It’s not what you think.

Clever Hans

By Ben Hunt | October 26, 2017

Part 7 of Ben’s Notes from the Field series reminds us that you don’t break a wild horse by crushing its spirit. You Nudge it into willingly surrendering its autonomy. Because once you’re trained to welcome the saddle, you’re going to take the bit. We are Clever Hans, dutifully hanging on every word or signal from the Nudging Fed and the Nudging Street as we stomp out our investment behavior.

Men of God in the City of Man, Pt. 5: Epidemic

By Rusty Guinn | July 10, 2023

Men of God prophesied as early as 2007 that God would make Donald Trump the President of the United States.

Our narrative virus gave these predictions fertile ground to take root.

Men of God in the City of Man, Part 4: Epimemetics

By Rusty Guinn | July 7, 2023

Every narrative is built on memes that have evolved and adapted to human culture over centuries.

But some environments change the way that those memes are expressed. The effects can be explosive.

Men of God in the City of Man, Part 3: Memetics

By Rusty Guinn | July 5, 2023

In the same way that genetics governs how physical viruses reproduce within a host, memetics governs how narrative viruses reproduce within a culture.

And the memes which govern our narrative virus are powerful.

The Long Now, Pt. 4 – Snip!

By Ben Hunt | December 26, 2019

The Long Now has severed the tether between taxation and spending – the most important macroeconomic policy relationship in our social lives as both investors and citizens.

Here’s what that means.

And here’s what we’re going to do about it.

The Long Now, Pt. 1 – Tick-Tock

By Ben Hunt | July 31, 2019

The Long Now is everything we pull into the present from our future selves and our children.

We are told that the economic stimulus and the political fear of the Long Now are costless, when in fact they cost us … everything.


Hollow Men, Hollow Markets, Hollow World

By Ben Hunt | July 9, 2022

Over the past 25 years, our leaders have intentionally constructed an Apocalypse Now world of proclamation and fiat, where our wealth has grown much faster than our economy.

The bill is due for their hubris, and inflation is here to collect it.