Epsilon Theory In Full
The soul of Epsilon Theory is our long-form content, a library of hundreds of pieces written by Ben, Rusty and others over the course of the last 5+ years. These are the print-and-take-home-for the weekend notes that made Epsilon Theory what it is today.
In our kick-off episode, Ben, Matt and Jack talk about why we’re here – to break open the news reported by mainstream media to reveal the Nudging language of Narrative and story that drives us.
We focus on the reporting of inflation as a perfect example of what we call Fiat News.
Recession – like beauty – is in the eye of the beholder. Unlike beauty, though, our economic perceptions are far more likely to fall into the self-imposed traps of cynicism and nihilism.
Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger Narrative campaign.
This is the Way.
Not just for the samurai but for the trader.
A revamped Cursed Knowledge is back! In this brand new episode, Ben joins Harper in the studio to talk about the all too common trope of killing off female characters to motivate male characters. Trust me, you’ve seen it. It’s everywhere and can tell us a lot about how hard it is to capture and maintain an audiences attention.
Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger Narrative campaign.
Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger Narrative campaign.
Physical viruses sometimes jump from one species to another.
Narrative viruses sometimes jump from one culture to another.
All it takes is the right virus and a susceptible host.
Narrative viruses are not immune to events in reality world – especially when we have made those narratives part of our identity.
And when a narrative becomes part of our identity, it changes what we need to be true.
Surprising outcomes in reality world that seem to confirm a narrative often produce explosive growth in its scale.
But also in its scope.
“I can’t find Dad.”
In which a stressed-out family makes an active choice to look past the totems of Team Red and Team Blue to find the truth of their Pack.
Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger Narrative campaign.
Men of God prophesied as early as 2007 that God would make Donald Trump the President of the United States.
Our narrative virus gave these predictions fertile ground to take root.
Every narrative is built on memes that have evolved and adapted to human culture over centuries.
But some environments change the way that those memes are expressed. The effects can be explosive.
Today we announce the beta launch of FiatNews.com, an Epsilon Theory sub-site devoted to the measurement of opinion content in news.
Our goal? Giving citizens the ability to know when they’re being told how to think.
ET contributor Brent Donnelly captures the spirit and the content of our Epsilon Connect conference better than anything we could have done ourselves. Plus you get the slides from our presentations!
In the same way that genetics governs how physical viruses reproduce within a host, memetics governs how narrative viruses reproduce within a culture.
And the memes which govern our narrative virus are powerful.
Every virus needs carriers to spread. Even a narrative virus.
We can learn a lot from what they have in common.
Recent major media stories that feel to us like they’re part of a larger Narrative campaign.
This is a story about a virus and the gain-of-function research that produced it.
It’s not what you think.