You and Me (But Mostly Me)

Elder Price:                &n

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  1. I think there are important ways in which Schultz’s actions are working to promote opportunities for Reciprocity and Identity. Those ways probably matter most here, if one’s objective is to act with clear eyes and full heart and to work to create more and more opportunity for others to do the same.

    I also think whenever you feel the need to insert an ‘I know I’m being cynical, but…’ that’s probably a sign that there’s another path that would be more in keeping with the Clear Eyes Full Hearts mantra. So, I’ll say i was disappointed by what i read in this piece.

  2. Most of the time, I try to fight my dominant paradigm of paternalistic curmudgeonly nihilism. Clear eyes and full hearts helps at times, but mostly I end up feeling swum over, exactly like a triathalon gone bad, almost fatally.
    I see The Emperor with New Notes, where even anti-missionaries unwittingly (?) still do Fed talk ‘because’ those Notes must be more than just mutual agreement for the benefit of all. And the endless procession of proselytizers with an Answer is so nauseating I end up walking on the beach listening to the endless wind and surf pounding all the beautiful shells into sand, relentlessly. 'The Answer my friend is …"

  3. Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things - Andy Dufresne

    I get your point Rusty but one of the steps in clear eyes full hearts was “taking back your vote” and while I’m not optimistic that Schultz is the “answer” I’m hopeful that enough centrists (however small) on both sides refuse to vote for their respective buffoon/extremist party leaders therby planting the seed in the national psychology that maybe there is a market for moderates. Our job is to talk to our friends/colleagues about the widening gyre and and that a vote for an independent isn’t a vote for trump, nor is it smart to vote for trump because solely because you Love how much he annoys the left. Naive? probably… but hope is a good thing.

  4. Avatar for rguinn rguinn says:

    That’s OK, EnochRoot. I appreciate your thoughts! Remember, though, that I’m not some zen master sitting in a forest somewhere - I have views, too, and I expect that you do, too.

    The point isn’t and shouldn’t be to stop being ourselves. The whole point of this idea is to be able to express that without fear within the pack. And for me, whether Schultz has good ideas or not, a guy whose logo is his signed first name over an image of his full name probably isn’t what promotes reciprocity and identity. But I AM really interested in hearing from you why you DO. And if you have more detailed thoughts, I’d be happy to put that up on the site so that the pack can hear a different perspective.

  5. Avatar for rguinn rguinn says:

    Hope IS a good thing. I think that history tells us, however, that widening gyres bring forward a lot of people who define themselves as the answer. I don’t think we have to ignore that to believe that there is a market for moderates.

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